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You enter the forest and there are two paths. Do you pick the [[right]] path or [[left]]
<img src = "https://fredericdonnerbooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/two-paths.jpg"/>You have chosen path to the right as you are walking you notice cave. Do you [[enter the cave]] or [[keep walking]]
<img src ="https://www.indochinatour.com/assets/images/vietnam-travel-guide/vietnam-cave-tour-banner.jpg" />You have chosen the left path. You hear a noise. Do you [[look for the noise]] or [[ignore it and keep walking]]You have chosen to enter the cave you see a bear do you [[play dead]] or do you [[run away from the bear]]
<img src ="https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/86c3481516dce247943ac2978b4f48d16a3ac265/0_170_5120_3074/master/5120.jpg?width=1200&height=1200&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=637dc5731d52754675ef36344a6af3c8" />You have chosen the path that says keep walking. The bear sees you. do you [[run at the bear]] or [[yell]]
You have chosen the path that says look for the noise do [[you go look]] or do [[ignore it]][[ignore it]] Well you played dead and The bear ended up attacking you
Well your dumb you ran away from the bear it will come after you Well you ran at the bear. The bear killed you.
Well you ran out of the woods and Head back home It brings you to a cave. Do you [[enter the cave]] or turn aroundYou ended up ignoring the noise and it takes you to a cabin by a lake. You have made it back to your family.
<img src ="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/f_cl0ZOKgn-vpbTEAfErc9ZxfbA=/0x0:1023x682/1200x0/filters:focal(0x0:1023x682):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/16344353/0b0cd00c_891f_49a5_a75c_cdd640a23020.f10.jpg" />